Ensures Healthy, Productive, and Sustainable Forests

TreeLine Magazine Articles 2020

Member/Company: Pem Jenkins, President of Turn Bull Lumber Co

"You can’t do it by yourself. We all have to work together to keep the mill running. Labor has gotten harder and harder to come by, so automation is a factor, but you still have to have people that you can count on; you can’t do it without them.” – Pembroke Jenkins

Member/Company: Robert Holcomb

“My father and my grandfather had a logging job when I was a kid. When I graduated high school, I went to work for them full time. Over the 44 years that I have been in the industry, I have seen many changes; but logging is in my blood. I can’t imagine doing any other type of work. Nowadays everything is mechanized, whereas when I was growing up, everything was done by hand. I don’t even have a chainsaw on the job anymore, just a pole saw. I never had track equipment on my job until the winter of 2018, when it was so wet that it became necessary. Now that I’m not working in plantation timber all of the time, I’m going to make the switch back to rubber-tire machines” – Robert Holcomb

Member/Company: Charles Jones

“If you are buying timberland, join the NCFA. The association can connect you with the right people/resources, and is a non-biased source of knowledge. The NCFA can direct landowners to the right places, which can in turn help them to achieve their management goals.” – Charles Jones

Member/Company: Rob Elliot

“We see our role as providing a healthy market that promotes sustainable logging practices and enables the needed silviculture and forest restoration treatments across the national forest. One of the most beneficial aspects of membership in the NCFA is the ability to support the association’s legislative advocacy, so that our appointed and elected officials understand the importance of our industry as a sustainable economic driver in North Carolina that provides jobs and markets to promote healthy forests. Supporting the NCFA’s public education initiatives that help the public understand forestry and the importance of the forest products industry in our state is another important benefit. Networking and communications are the other essential resources that the NCFA provides for its members. Networking with other forestry professionals to better understand the issues facing our industry is always very helpful.” – Rob Elliot

Member/Company: Curt Horn

“With the practice of using forests on the estate in a manner that provides value both for the present and future, The Biltmore Company is continuing the legacy of sustainable forest management established over a century ago.” – Curt Horn

Member/Company: Justin and Greg Moretz

"One of the most important things to remember, as the others have said, is that logging is the beginning of a new start. It’s definitely a renewable resource.”– Justin Moretz

“ProLogger has been invaluable. We have learned a lot over the years and it has been very helpful to us and to the industry in North Carolina.” – Greg Moretz

Member/Company: Ray Allen

“It won’t be enough just to show up to work every day at your business,” he said. “You are going to have to not only show up at work but also show up in the general public. Forestry is a long-term farming operation. Most people are worried about tomorrow instead of 15 to 20 years. It is a tough sale because of people’s timelines. But I think we have a really good story to tell. We just need to get the story out to the public.” – Ray Allen

Member/Company: Jordan Lumber and Supply Company

“The Jordan family have always been great supporters of being a part of the NCFA. They understand the importance of being involved in the industry and coming together in trade organizations to put our issues in front of everyone and educating everyone in our state.” – Chip Miller, Timberlands Manager

Member/Company: Gregg Forestry Co.

“Trees are our most important renewable resource. It is important to pass along our interest and knowledge of trees and forest to future generations. It’s been very satisfying to see students interested in forestry. These students are the future decision-makers of our society, and it is important to help them see the positives of forests, forest stewardship and the forest industry as a whole.” – Stewart Gregg (in Memoriam)

2020 Fourth Quarter

Title: How to Avoid Hiring a Litigation Attorney

Member/Company: S. Todd Adams

“The mistake of acquiring land with the intended use of cutting timber, or indeed cutting timber within such zones or areas, will result in a trip to a litigator’s office and is avoidable if the appropriate due diligence is performed.” – S. Todd Adams

Member/Company: John Greene, Content Marketing Manager, Forest2Market

“During the peak of the pandemic, many sawmills were forced to temporarily curtail or close, thereby removing a sizable chunk of capacity from the market almost overnight.” – John Greene